After A Day Of Marriage, Couple March To Demand Legalization of Gay Divorce

The gay couple one happy before getting married, now want will fight for the right to gay divorce.
Gay couple  who were happy before getting married, now want will fight for the legalization of gay divorce.

(VATICAN ENQUIRER)  New York, USA – “I don’t know why we fought for this, we were better off before”.

After the legalization of gay marriage, a New York couple realized what marriage means, and, decided to launch a struggle for legalization of gay divorce.

“What were we thinking? If one of the benefits of being gay was that nobody expected you to marry. When did we lose our way?” asked Justin Perez, the husband.

The couple accepted that they got swept away by their emotions before they knew it, they were married.

“From that moment we have not stopped bickering and our sex life has been ruined. I gained 10 kilos in only 18 hours. How can signing a piece of paper cause so much damage?”, said Freddy Caballero, the other husband.

The couple agreed that once they have their legal situation resolved and their divorce finalized, they are going to devote their lives to convince other homosexual couples not to get married.

“Now that you can, don’t” was the joint recommendation by this couple.

“We want the same rights and that includes the right to be unhappy, but it’s one thing to have the right and the other required to do it (get married),” both reflected on their action.

Adapted from

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