The portal “Vatican Enquirer” is a news satire whose sole purpose is entertainment. All content is fictional and does not correspond to reality. All references, names, brands or institutions are used as contextual elements, as in any novel or fictional story.

News satire, also called fake news, is a type of parody presented in a format typical of mainstream journalism, and called a satire because of its content. News satire has been around almost as long as journalism itself, but it is particularly popular on the web, where it is relatively easy to mimic a credible news source and stories may achieve wide distribution from nearly any site. News satire relies heavily on irony and deadpan humor.

The Vatican Enquirer  is not recommended for under age readers or for those who do not have a sense of humour, are offended by satire.

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The contents and information do not bind the Roman Enquirer including, but not limited to, opinions, advice or advice of any kind as it is merely a service offered by way of entertainment. The “Vatican Enquirer ” is not responsible for the opinions of contributors and users.

The “Vatican Enquirer” may contain links to websites of third parties The “Vatican Enquirer” can not control. Therefore, the The “Vatican Enquirer”” can not assume and disclaims any responsibility for the content that may appear on these pages. The The “Vatican Enquirer”” undertakes to remove any content that could be considered illegal. All logos and anagrams that make The ” The “Vatican Enquirer”” are subject to copyright and intellectual property are the exclusive property of “The Roman Enquirer “.

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