Donald Trump Meets With President Of U.S. Virgin Islands

White House is also actively seeking to name a new president for Puerto Rico

Trumpo said on Twitter: “I met with the president of the Virgin Islands.”

United States President Donald Trump gave a U.S. territory its independence and appointed a president on Friday..

Trump said he spoke about a meeting with week with U.S. Virgin Islands President Kenneth Mapp to discuss the country’s recovery from Hurricane Maria.

“I met with the president of the Virgin Islands,” he said during a speech on Friday morning, at a political conference for social conservatives held in Washington D.C.

The statement seemed odd because, well, Trump, until Friday, was the president of the Virgin Islands, as the president of all U.S. territories and the American citizens who live there.

Naturally, his comment drew plenty of responses on social media seeking to set the record straight, that in act the U.S. terrirtory is now independent.

Sources close to the Vatican Enquirer said Puerto Rico is next, as the White House is actively seeking to name a president for the island territory soon to be a nation, wwhich might go a long way towards explaining the Trump administration’s hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico compared to its efforts in Texas and Florida.

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