Apple’s Flagship Product Has Gotten a Makeover

iphone-1984-52101(VATICAN ENQUIRER) Cupertino, California – Taking a design style from the 1980’s, Apple has gone retro with its flagship product, the iPhone and introdues the new Macintosh Phone.

The new phone scraps all the digital techonology, in preference of a rotary dial and small screen.

The design is based on the Macintosh 512k of 1984.

“We’ve made super simple to use,” says Apple’s design engineer, Pedro Cervantes.

According to Carlyle, the design was found in notes Steve Jobs left behind for the future of the company.


What has changed is the Apple marketing buzz. As with its previous launches, the company is taking orders with a undisclosed given that they having a hard time sourcing suppliers for the rotary dial.


The product is expected to be in the stores for the Christmas shopping season.


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