Donald Trump Says He Will Sue Carlos Slim, Univision, Mexico

1435331630_donald-trump(VATICAN ENQUIRER) – Donald Trump has come out fighting against accusations of his “Mexicanophobia”.

Since he can’t be Fired!, Trump announced he will sue Carlos Slim for firing him, Univision, the government Mexico and everyone else who has wronged in him in the past.

“They can do whatever they want. I couldn’t care less. I’m going to sue them all. I’m rich, ” Trump said.

In fact, a source close to the VE said Trump will also be suing a number of his own companies, to ensure himself at least some wins.

In typical outspoken manner, the now unemployed and contender in the Republican presidential nomination said, “we’ll negotiate with the defendants. We’ll make a fantastic deal. It’s like on ‘The Apprentice.’ It’s not personal. It’s just business.”

“I won’t apologize for what I said about Mexicans. I know I’m right, look how they tried to burn down my building,” said Trump while staring at the plume of smoke coming out Trump tower.

With reference to the Miss USA, Trump said the show will go on, “we’ll get more people.”


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